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Congratulations! You just visited Manomite platform which is yet to be launched.

We are cooking so many things that are great. We should be back with them soon.

Learn more about our services

  • Cybersecurity

    We are creating IGNIX, a team working to defend the internet from daily cyber threats. Currently the team for this purposes are building up.

  • We created compress

    We created compress to help developers compress their large files to smaller pieces, see Compress in action.

  • Working on Eye-mail

    We are working on an advanced opensource email and sms security system called eye-mail that protects emails and sms inbox from spam, cyber threats, email & sms grouping, notifications and other interesting features. See Eye-mail in action

  • Global Identity Manager

    We are working on an opensource global identity management system,that will be used to verify identities of humans and prevent identity thefts, see GIM in action.

  • The Energy Box - Manex

    We are working on creating the energy compactment box called Manex that will provide electricity to urban and rural areas 24/7 without power constraints. The box will power most of your electrical gadgets and make you happy, see Manex in action.

  • Disnam Poultry

    We produce organic broiler meat, eggs, and birds feed from the disnam farm. The feeds are organically produced without antibiotics or chemical inclusions, see Disnam poultry in action.

  • Recaptrics

    We are working on an opensource recapture system to replace recaptcha. It will be an easy and secure system that cannot be bypassed with greate user interfaces, see Recaptrics in action.

  • Reglog

    We are working on an opensource register and login system called Reglog for securely registering and login users into applications. Multiple account creations will be blocked and whole lots of interesting features, see Reglog in action.

  • Crytanio

    We are working on an opensource application for creating cryptocurrency tokens without paying a dime. You will be able to deploy a token for your business quickily and perform banking activities on it using the REST API, see Crytanio in action.

If you have a project you want us to work on or you need IT/Cybersecurity consultations for your app/company or you want to reach out to us for other things, please mail us at Thank you.